nerdtree vimrc

NERDTree buffer NERD_tree.vim 2.0.0 2007-03-21 7.0 Marty Grenfell - Added two new NERDChristmasTree decorations. First person to spot them and email me gets a free copy of the NERDTree. - Made it so that when you jump around the tree (with the p, s ...

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Vim是一個功能強大的文書編輯器,它應用範圍非常廣泛,可由使用者設計成屬於自已獨特風格的編輯利器。它提供了 Unix, Windows, Mac, OS/2等多種作業系統的版本,讓您在不同的作業系統上保有您習慣的文字編輯工具。 multi level undo 復原且不限於前一個動作。 ...

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  • 编辑.vimrc文件, 在其中加入两行代码: vim ~/. vimrc syntax enable colorscheme monokai 效果如下 2、安装插件管理器-Vund...
    CentOS 7 + vim + ycm (clang) + NERDTree - 作业部落 Cmd ...
  • 設定vimrc 我們想要將他設定成快捷鍵: vim ~/.vimrc 然後加入底下一行 map <f8> : NERDTreeFind <CR> 開始使用 ...
    FicHugh: NerdTree
  • The NERDTree is a file system explorer for the Vim editor. Using this plugin, users can vi...
    GitHub - scrooloosenerdtree: A tree explorer plugin for ...
  • Now you need to add this little line to your vimrc vim ~/.vimrc Add this: call pathogen#in...
    NERDTree | Kennedy's Garage
  • I'm having trouble getting my NERDtree started. I have downloaded and installed pathog...
    NERDtreevimrc : vim - reddit: the front page of the ...
  • NERDTree buffer NERD_tree.vim 2.0.0 2007-03-21 7.0 Marty Grenfell - Added two new NERDChri...
    The NERD tree - A tree explorer plugin for navigating the ...
  • How do you do it? ... Okay, the previous version was a bit terse, but the answer you'r...
    vim - How do you add NERDTree to your vimrc? - Stack Overflo ...
  • VIM中 :h NERDTree 看详细说明 2. .vimrc 配置 "NERDTree配置 map <F1> :NERDTreeToggle<CR&...
    VIM NERDTree 插件配置 - 豆瓣
  • NERDTree 要開啟時要輸入 :NERDTree, 關閉時按 q 即可. 但是開啟時要輸入的字串太長是個麻煩, 所以來幫它加上快速鍵, 步驟如下: vim ~/.vimrc 加...
    Vim 樹狀目錄外掛: NERDTree - Tsung's Blog
  • 前面我安装了winmanager插件,但是感觉那个用起来不是很爽。今天无意间又发现一个更好的文件管理器插件—NerdTree。先上图,红色方框标记的就是NerdTree区域了: 是...
    Vim试水之六:NerdTree插件安装 - feichexia - 博客园